
Tibetan Radio??

Belgaum, India
Originally uploaded by An Smith.
First of all, I thought I should let you all know that my massage this morning was fantastic. I lay there while Denise had needles inserted in her leg and we could hear Tibetan chanting in the background (which was amazing and relaxing)... I had to fill the time somehow! I might marry my Tibetan massage therapist and bring him back to Canada with me. I am totally in love with him. :)

So. They have this dude who stands at the town centre with a megaphone and a few times a day he shouts out the news to the town. Information on town meetings, the weather, political situation in Tibet. I don't really know. I guess it's their version of a radio. It's really hilarious :)


Gabe said...

i prefer rome's version of the town cryer.

Anonymous said...

I say bring him back An, as long as you are going to share his talents with your friends, well me specifically! D