
Gulu Walk

Denise, her dad and I did the Gulu walk today. In total we raised $1,290, which we were pretty proud about, thanks to everyone who donated ; )

It felt nice to actually be a part of something for once and I've already had my rant about this.. so nuff said.


D's African Birthday Party: The Obsession Continues..

PHOTO CREDIT: MARTIN CIESZEWSKI (National Geographic specializing in animals of the plastic variety, and one hell of a photographer)


The Conflict in Northern Uganda

For the last 20 years Joseph Kony and the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) have been terrorizing the Acholi people of Northern Uganda, committing what can only be described as crimes against humanity including rape, murder and mutilation. They abduct children and force them to become sex salves and child soldiers. The stories and testimonials that I have read (as told by survivors) are enough to make you sick.

It doesn't seem clear what Kony is trying to accomplish as he terrorizes the people he claims to be fighting for. His idea is to cleanse Uganda and eventually rule the country based on the 10 commandments. I do recall reading (somewhere) that he had devised his own 11th commandment.. Thou shall not ride bicycles. Right. That seems logical in a rural community where the majority of the population cannot afford cars let alone to feed themselves. But what do I really know anyway. (Did I mention that punishment for getting caught riding a bike is a slashing.. with a machette.. to your bum?). Nope. Forgot that part.

Never heard of it? Hm. According to just about every article I read the situation is the worst humanitarian conflict of our time, yet the it continues to still go unnoticed by the rest of the world.

Thanks to organizations like this it is starting to get some attention. You can read more here about the man behind it all and a bit of the situation these people are forced to live every day.

What interests me most is what is happening right now. In 2005 the ICC (International Criminal Court) indicted Kony and his people, charging them with numerous crimes against humanity.

Yet it is becoming increasingly clear that the Ugandan's are now asking for sympathy for Kony, and they want the ICC to drop all charges so they can deal with punishment in their own terms and negotiate a peace agreement.

I don't claim to be anywhere near intelligent enough to understand the politics behind this. It's complicated. The Ugandan Government led by Musevini looks to be as guilty of committing crimes against these people, and maybe as corrupt as the LRA. I am just commenting on what I've read, and what I understand.

Back to the interesting part. The Acholi believe in something called Mato Oput and that seems to be part of the reasoning behind the sympathy. I've searched for information on it but there doesn't seem to be a lot. The IWPR (Institute for War and Peace Reporting) published an article on October 4th (2006) that I *think* explains it the best:

The elaborate ceremony called “mato oput” - which in Acholi means "to drink a bitter potion from the leaves of the oput tree" -involves a series of symbolic acts to restore unity between the injured and offending parties. Prodigal sons and daughters can receive forgiveness and be welcomed back into their communities.

It goes on to explain that the man or woman in question must take responsiblity for their actions, an egg is then crushed over their head to symbolize new beginnings, they admit their wrong doing, apologize to the offended and everyone moves on. All is forgiven. There is more to the ritual but you get the idea.

I don't know. I mean absolutely no disrespect to this justice system, I actually think it is quite amazing and completely positive way of dealing with things if you say, stole a pencil in math class, or tripped your friend purposely during a football match. Even robbed your best friend of his last dollar. Someone who is guilty of cutting off peoples lips and noses should get more than a slap on the hand and some egg in the face... right?

Preface to a Journey

For the last year I have been in countdown mode. 364 days left in 2006, seven months until January, 2.5 months until we give notice, 769 hours until our plane taxies out of JFK, 45 minutes until this week is over.. yeah, ok, you get the idea.

It all started with a phone call from Trish with Right to Play, a quick google search and a five minute conversation in *P4 about volunteering in Africa with Denise.

Since then the 'conversation' developed in to reality, changed a million times and twice more just cause ..and eventually took shape. Our 25 minute car ride in and out twice daily was suddenly filled with inane babble - at times reaching hysterical giddy laughter - this place, that place, every place, anything travel and most things Africa.

We (um, for future when I say WE I am referring to Denise and I.. except when I'm not) had to issue a "travel talk ban" upon ourselves for a whole month, because we were driving each other crazy. It only kinda worked.

Not wanting to have a strict "plan" led us to Gabe who sourced our flight for us and he become temporarily known as our Travel God. Really. We called him that for awhile.

(Side Note: HE convinced us to buy a one-way ticket to Bangkok and then wing it and so we did and if this fails and we are denied entry in to the country or get stuck spending millions on flights I will blame it on HIM entirely and he will have to pay us back out of his dining out budget which is rather ridiculously high anyway. Just sayin' dude. It's all on you now).

I guess stay tuned if you want. Or not. I really don't care. Because I will not be at my desk in my office doing work stuff day in and day out. : )

Or actually. In 3 months and 3 days. Crap.